Managed Services
Offsite Data Backup Services
Your servers & computers are at the Heart of your business. Servers and computers are machines, and machines always come with a risk that they may one day fail to work. Flooding, a burst pipe overhead, a fire, mechanical failure, theft, accidental breakage – These are all possible scenarios that can cause you to lose all of your data. How long could your company afford to lose productivity while staff scramble to reconstruct whatever they can of their databases, contacts, documents, etc.? What would you do if that ever happened? Let’s hope it never does, but it brings us to that old saying: “It’s better to be SAFE than sorry”! Europa IT offers “Offsite Data Backup Services” that ensure all of your important data is safe & secure. These backups automatically generate a report that is reviewed by the Europa staff to guarantee your backups are happening properly. Wouldn’t you feel better knowing your company’s important data is being encrypted & securely stored in case you ever need it? Find out how we can help.
24/7 Network Monitoring
Have you ever come in on a Monday morning only to find your network is down, and nothing is working? Europa IT offers 24/7 Network Monitoring services that alert us the moment something happens to your network. Often times we will have the problem fixed before you even know it happened – Before the problem can put a big dent in your productivity! Although that level of piece-of-mind is invaluable, we offer exactly that service for a very affordable monthly rate. Find out how Europa IT can help your business.
Monitored Antivirus
Unlike the PC Cleanup service we offer, Europa IT's “Monitored Antivirus” services provide you with several high quality programs that we monitor 24/7. Any threats are reported to us, and we deal with them immediately. Often times you will never even know there was an issue, as we take every measure to eradicate threats without disturbing your workforce. We even get alerted if any employee accidently installs “blacklisted” software that is known to slow their computer down. Don’t worry, we will always check with you before removing these types of programs to verify they aren’t needed for daily functionality. Europa IT will provide you with a Quarterly Network Health Report so that you can review the effectiveness of our service. We think you’ll agree – knowing that your network, data, and profits are safe from hackers is well worth the low cost. This program starts at a low $8.00/Month! What are you waiting for?
Quarterly Network Health Reports
An important part of our Managed Service packages is the inclusion of a “Quarterly Network Health Report”. Europa IT will generate a report outlining relevant activity over a 3-month period for every device you have us managing. This allows you to see what you’ve been getting for your money, and shows you in plain black-&-white the level of service we provide to you. We are proud of what we offer, and want you to know your hard earned money is well-spent with us. Wouldn’t you like to see a Quarterly Network Health Report” for your business?